Dr. Wallach & Dr. Glidden

Bad Foods & Good Foods List

In order to ensure that your body absorbs nutritional supplements properly, you must avoid certain foods.
Below is a list of bad foods that will block vitamins and minerals from being absorbed and will also do damage to your body and a list of good foods that will support your body to heal itself. 
If you take Dr. Wallach’s suggested 90 essential vitamins and minerals daily. This list will help ensure you are getting the most out of your daily vitamin and mineral supplement regimen. It is easier than you think and the end result is very rewarding!

Bad Foods

Wheat –  Barley – Rye – Oats/Oatmeal Fried Food – Oils – Well Done Meat (Rare or Medium Rare is ok) – Deli Meats/Cold Cuts – Carbonated Beverages – Potato/Yam/Sweet Potato Skins – Soy – Corn

You wouldn’t put diesel fuel into an unleaded engine. So stop putting the wrong fuel into your body.  Dr. Glidden outlines the 12 Bad foods that will slowly whittle away your health.  In a short video titled Bad Foods, click on graphic on left to access. Then scroll down half the page to play the Bad Food informative video.





The grains we eat today have been altered to withstand weather, insects, and weed killers resulting in a gluten protein that our stomachs just cannot break down.

*Fried Food

When you fry foods or overheat them it produces acrylamides and free radicals. These carcinogens can lead to inflammation in your digestive track and arteries, oxidation damage to your nerves and soft tissues, and cause certain cancers. This includes stir fry.


Cooking oils, olive oil, even coconut oil oxidizes when oxygen comes in contact with it. When you eat oxidized oil it causes inflammation, oxidation damage, and destroys tissues in your body. This includes mayonnaise, salad dressings, fish packed in oils, and any food in oil. In nature there is no cooking oil tree, and no spigot at the base an olive tree to get oil from. So our bodies where just not designed to eat mass quantities of oils like we do today.

*Well Done Meat (Rare or Medium Rare is ok)

Carcinogenic heterocyclic amines are created by high temperature cooking of meat. Make sure when cooking on a barbecue that you do not let the flames touch the meat, or let the juices from the meat hit the charcoal and coat it with burnt smoke. Dr. Wallach says that “Heterocyclic amines are the most egregious cancer causing substances on earth.”

*Deli Meats/Cold Cuts

Most deli meats, hot dogs, and bacon have nitrates and nitrites in them as preservatives. Nitrites and nitrates cause inflammation, tissue destruction, oxidation, and free radical damage. If you can get nitrate/nitrite free deli meats, then you are okay to consume them.

*Carbonated Beverages

Carbonated beverages neutralize your stomach acid and reduce your ability to digest and absorb the nutrients from your food and supplements. Phosphoric acid is especially bad for you, and will rob calcium from your bones.

*Potato/Yam/Sweet Potato Skins

The skin is okay to eat only after you boil it.



Why is Avoiding Gluten, Critical?

Gluten is an Inflammatory Interferes with Absorption Causes Intestinal Sludge & Blockage Associated with Auto Immune Disease Significantly Raises Blood Sugar Effects Endocrine & Hormonal Systems

When the gluten travels through our intestinal track undigested, it destroys the Villi and micro Villi that is meant to absorb the nutrients from our foods. This leads to digestive, chronic health problems, and diseases. This includes some alcoholic beverages. Dr. Wallach says to avoid these grains even if it states on the package that they are gluten free.

Additional Bad Foods for Diabetics

Make sure to keep measuring your blood sugar levels just like you did before starting 90 for life. Then when your sugar levels begin to drop, go back to your doctor and have them reduce your medications appropriately until you are prescription and drug free. On top of eliminating the 12 Bad Foods above, it is advised to eliminate the following foods from your diet as well until you get your blood sugar levels normalized for a month without the help of prescription drugs.
Fruit – Fruit Juice – Dried Fruit – Honey – Agave Syrup – Maple Syrup – Molasses – Alcohol – Gluten Free Grains


Phytic acid is most commonly found in beans, seeds, and some nuts. It will bind to minerals in your foods or supplements causing them not to be absorbed by your body. To avoid this make sure you take your minerals two to three hours before or after you consume a meal with Phytates.Some examples of phytates are: linseeds, sesame seeds, almonds, brazilnuts, coconuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, walnuts, corn, brown rice, polished rice, pinto beans, chickpeas, hummus, lentils, soybeans, tofu, and spinach.


If you suffer from hypothyroidism (under active thyroid) you need to avoid eating cruciferous vegetables because they will suppress and reduce thyroid function.Some more common examples of cruciferous vegetables are: horseradish, kale, collard greens, cabbage, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, turnip, mustard seed, arugula, watercress, radish, and wasabi.

Good Foods

Eggs – soft scrambled in butter, poached, or soft boiled – Butter – Iodized Salt – Quinoa – Coffee – Tea & Green Tea – Red Wine – Filtered Water – Lard – Hyperthyroidism

Good Foods


Eggs should be the staple of your diet. They are considered by many as a super food. Not only do they contain vital cholesterol that your brain, nerves, and hormones need to function but they also contain a whole slew of proteins, EFA’s, vitamins and minerals that help your body function. Dr. Wallach recommends 8-12 eggs a day (for Alzheimer’s and other dementia’s it is recommended you eat 10+ eggs a day to feed your brain the cholesterol it needs to function). Do not over cook eggs, soft scramble them in butter and salt, soft boil them, poach them, or eat them raw in a smoothie. Note that there is a chance to get salmonella from the outside shell of the egg that was exposed to the cloaca of the chicken. Dr. Glidden recommends that if you are going to eat raw eggs to put a teaspoon of bleach into a quart of water and put the eggs into the solution, then dry them off and they are ready to use. The bleach will kill off any micro organisms on the outside of the shell. If you hard boil an egg and the yolk has a greenish coating, this means that the cholesterol has been degraded, so it is best to soft boil eggs. If you are allergic to chicken eggs then you can try goose, duck, or quail eggs.



*Iodized Salt

Your body needs salt to create stomach acid. If you are on a salt restricted diet you will not be able to create stomach acid causing acid reflux/heart burn. So use as much salt as you want and salt your food to taste.


Corn is one of the foods we suggest buying organic because most conventional corn is genetically modified which can hurt your digestive tract.


Full fat whole milk only. No skim, 1, or 2 percent milk.






Rare or medium-rare only. Make sure there are no grill or char marks on your meat. Use a pressure cooker or crockpot.


Do not stir fry your vegetables(see fried foods below). Organically grown produce is not nutritionally better than conventionally grown. If you look at the requirements for produce to be labeled by the USDA as organic, you will be surprised to find that the produce must be grown from soil that has not had prohibited substances applied to it for only 3 years. So a field could have been sprayed with prohibited substances for 50 years but if they stop spraying it for three years with prohibited substances then it can be certified organic. Back in 1936 it was brought to our governments attention that our soils where horribly depleted through US Senate Document #264. So no matter what you eat, organic or conventional, it is impossible to get all the nutrients your body needs every day from the food you eat.



Salted or mixed nuts are okay. Because most peanuts are contaminated with fungus it is recommended you don’t eat them. Do not eat nuts that have been processed on the same machines as wheat.

*Nut Butters

Nut butters are fine to eat as long as they have no extra sugar or oils. Your can make your own oil and sugar free with a powerful blender.



*Pure Buckwheat

It isn’t wheat.



Made from pearl millet only.



*Tea & Green Tea

*Red Wine

*Red Wine

*Filtered Water

Four to eight 8 oz. glasses of water daily.Avoid soft plastic bottles and BPA. Avoid drinking tap water since most cities floridate their water. Fluoride has been proven to reduce your IQ, motivation, and creativity. Recently even Harvard University has released a study linking fluoride to “significantly lower” IQ scores. Do not drink any alkaline waters just before or while eating since it neutralizes your stomach acid like carbonated drinks which prevents digestion and absorption of nutrients.


If you suffer from hyperthyroidism (over active thyroid) you need to eat cruciferous vegetables because they will suppress and reduce thyroid function.Some more common examples of cruciferous vegetables are: horseradish, kale, collard greens, cabbage, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, turnip, mustard seed, arugula, watercress, radish, and wasabi.

Dr. Joel Wallach

DVM, ND, BAS Agriculture
Bio Chemical & Comparative Pathologist 40 yrs. International Vet & Physician Lobbyist Defeated FDA 8 Times.
300+ Free lectures each year.
“Dead Doctors Don’t Lie” Radio Show Author of 9 Books & 70+ scientific published articles.

Dr. Peter Glidden

Naturopathic Physician for 21 Years Internationally Recognized Speaker 100+ Free lectures each year.
2 LIVE Webinars & Chat Session Weekly “Fire Your MD Now” Radio Show Author of “The MD Emperor Has No Clothes”